Monday, June 6, 2011

Bask in the sun @The Peak

The weather was really hot but the worst thing is that a lot of bad stuff happened in the morning! My phone had some problems and didn't work, I couldn't call anyone; I forgot to bring something from my shop and had to go back “again”, how’s stupid me! We were really late, but we finally made it to the peak.

I really need to thank my best friend Joey, she is a nice friend. She helped me a lot.Love you. My other friend Cici also took part in this event. But I forgot to take a photo, sorry ar!

This time I made many new friends. They were nice to me, and the good thing is I got some comments on my work. This is the main reason I need to take part in such events, the feedback of colleagues.

Thanks to all the customers who liked my design and products. I will try my best to make more good stuff.


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