Tuesday, March 10, 2015

New Year with New Logo

Have you notice our new logo? Yes, the old one wasn’t really good and clear. So, face the problem, CHANGE!
Old Logo
Friend asked me to hire a graphic designer to do it, but well, I’m a designer (I know I’m a jewellery designer, not graphic) But I know myself very well. I’m a control freak. So, I do it by myself. May be my logo design isn’t very good enough. But I want to show you how did I re-design my logo. And want to tell you how much I love to design and respect my handmade job.
Many handmaders think that logo is easy to design or don’t put any effort to create it. Even some people are a designer. But, I can tell you it wasn’t easy to design like what you think.
At the beginning, I haven’t any special ideas, just think east met west, feminize, elegant and clear.
Idea Sketches

The first vision, I trend to more western style, dynamic and feminize. 
After, I showed to my best friend who has a marketing experience. She completely rejected my first vision. She said I should focus on “East mix West” style. That’s what CungYung style. I totally agree with her.

So, I started to do the research again. This time, I searched some elements about Asian style. Finally, I choose Chinese window, jade, seal and swastika to my design ideas and I took some element from my old logo. 

Ideas Board 
Idea Sketches
Computer Drawing & Fronts
New Logo
As I said , my logo design isn’t good enough. So if you have any idea or comment about my new logo welcome to tell. XOXO


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