Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!!

Happy New Year!! First of all, sorry everyone! I didn’t update much in recently. But I wasn’t lazy. In Australia, I learned lot of different things, know more information, went different craft market or weekend market, learned more new materials. In last year, I feel so blessing !!

In 2015, CungYung promise that will create more special, chic and fashionable products and provide the best service to everyone. Moreover,  I will share what happened in my Australia adventure. So,don’t miss my amazing journey...XOXO

Happy New Year!! 首先,要同大家講聲唔好意思,係過去幾個月無咩點同大家update,同更新產品比大家睇,但係黎幾個月我絕對無偷懶,去咗澳洲見識咗好多唔同嘅嘢,知道更多嘅知訊,認識更多不同地方手作市集、不同物料、不同手作單位,在設計上過咗充實而又豐富一年。


Sunset in Byron Bay 

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